Dora - $1,056 Paid for 4 Claims

This was the second time I asked a hand for Pets Plus Us. The customer care was amazing, again. First time Dora had fallen from the couch and started limping. They were prompt with all the info I needed to have the papers done. This time, Dora was vomiting. I called them on the day after her visit to the vet. Laura (from the call center) helped me to talk with the vet's office to get all the papers correctly filled out by the veterinarian. Have to say I'm still learning English, so I needed her help more than anything. She was patient, careful and passionate. I felt home and this is the best about Pets Plus Us, you have peace of mind. They do their best to not only look after our pets, but also to take the best care of us. Thank you again Pets Plus Us. I'm happy to have you all helping us to do the best we can for our Dora.