KONA - $6,470 Claim for Fractured Leg

My five month old Italian Greyhound, Kona, was at a doggie day care recently when she fractured her front left leg. She was taken to the nearest clinic where her leg was put in a splint. She was then referred to an emergency hospital where a bone plate was inserted with a five day stay. As you can imagine, this was a large expense that I had thought about, but definitely did not plan for. Thankfully, I had recently purchased Accident Insurance with Pets Plus Us who covered $5,000 of Kona’s medical expenses. The claims process was painless and the funds were transferred directly into my bank account. Following Kona’s accident, I realized how important pet insurance is and purchased an Accident & Illness policy with Pets Plus Us to ensure she is covered in the event that she gets sick too.
Peter, Karrie and Kona