Pet First - Terms and Conditions
I have read and agree that:
- All details in this application are true and complete.
- Misrepresenting or failing to mention any fact will instantly void coverage.
- Completing this application doesn't guarantee my pet's coverage.
- If my application is accepted, I'll abide by all the terms and conditions that the insurer's policy coverage specifies, as outlined in the #brand-name# insurance coverage User Guide.
- Claims won't be paid directly to my veterinarian, except in the case of specially pre-approved treatments and procedures.
- For claim reimbursement to me, both I and my veterinarian must complete and submit claim forms to #brand-name# and provide paid receipts.
I now authorize:
- My veterinarian to release all medical information to #brand-name#, and confirm any medical details, as required.
- #brand-name# to advise my veterinarian of the coverage(s) I choose
- Pets 8+: In order to allow us to offer coverage for senior pets at the same premium as younger pets, proof of a physical exam, blood profile (with T4) and urinalysis conducted within the last 60 days must be provided upon request for pets 8 years or older (6 years or older for giant breeds). We will complete the underwriting process and mail you your Welcome package within 5 days of receipt of complete records.