Champion Awards Celebrate

Your 2018 Champion Awards Winners!
Stayed tuned on Pets Plus Us social channels as we showcase their inspiring stories.
North West Territories SPCA
“This remarkable organization receives no money from Government and relies heavily on fundraising events and public donations to operate. They have built up an incredible network of like minded organizations across western and central Canada to help homeless and abused animals. The NWT SPCA is one of the most respected and hardworking organizations in the North, hands down.”
~ Jan, Yellowknife, NWT
Dr. Claudette Theriault
“Claudette personally examined, spayed/neutered, dewormed, vaccinated, tattooed, and microchipped over 800 cats and this is over and above her job at Border Vet Clinic in Alberta. No one that knows Claudette knows how she fits her life into just 24 hours and still has such a positive and selfless attitude at the end of the day! Recently she has even partnered with the town of Provost to start a TNR program to help with the stray cat problem there as well, to date she has trapped, spayed/neutered, and rehomed over 100 cats. All of this may sound like peanuts compared to some of the larger scale spay/neuter clinics and rescues around, but keep in mind that this is one woman working mainly by herself.”
~ Becky, Unity, Saskatchewan
Tryntje – Nana Foundation
“Tryntje now 85 can be found driving around in her station wagon filled with donations and rescued animals. She often single-handedly can be found rescuing animals from abandoned structures and providing veterinary care; many of these animals stay at her house until a forever home is found. From the Pacific Cat Clinic’s records, the Nana Foundation has rescued more than 100 cats and kittens in the last year alone.”
~Pacific Cat Clinic, Victoria, B.C.