Halloween is a great time for make-believe, creativity and fun. Of course you want to include your pet in the action! For pets that are comfortable being outfitted, a Halloween costume is a great way to express your pet’s personality. Here are some of our ideas to get your creative costume juices flowing.
TV-inspired – TV shows are a great inspiration for costumes, for both humans and their furry friends. With popular TV show Game of Thrones wrapping up this year, we expect many humans to be showing up in their finest throne-inspired outfits this October. Why not include your furry family members in the fun? From dragon costumes to queenly crowns, there are plenty of show-inspired costumes for your dog or cat.
If your pet were another animal… what would they be? If you think your pet may prefer to play make-believe and impersonate another animal, consider your pet’s personality: does your smaller pooch have the roar of a lion? Does your cat have a big personality befitting of a shark or bear? Or perhaps your larger pooch is the timid turtle. Let your pet’s personality inspire your creativity.
A family affair – duo and group costumes are always a great attention-grabbing option. You and your pet could opt for a famous pairing duo costume. Think: Batman and Robin, Han Solo and Leia, Khalessi and her dragon, bacon and eggs. The possibilities are endless! Groupings are another great option for bigger families or with a gathering of like-minded friends. Think: a group of fish, a favorite band, the cast of your children’s favorite movie. Again, the possibilities are endless.
Regardless of the costume you pick for your pet, be sure not to cover their faces or ears, and make sure their vision is unobstructed. It’s also important that they maintain full mobility when costumed. If your pet shows any signs of anxiety or stress, put the costume away as dressing up just might not be for them.
Here’s to a fun-filled Halloween. Trick or (pet-friendly) treat!
Planning to dress up your pet this Halloween? We’d love to see them costumed up. Share pics of your pet and tag us on Instagram @petsplusus